Alice W. Brumley owner
1997 Chevrolet 1500 4x4 (starts and runs) showing 170K miles, Ford 555B Backhoe (starts and runs), cab, w/extra bucket.
Farm Equipment: 15 ft Bush Hog Model 2615, 1000 pto , - Krone AM 203 easy cut mower, - John Deere 830 Roll Baler, - New Holland 56 Rake, - 2 basket tedder, - Ford 563 2 bottom plow, - John Deere 2 bottom plow, - 2 Hay Rings, - 5ft rotary cutter,- single axle pull type trailer, - Agri 6ft tiller, - cultipacker, 5ft 3pt blade, - Fuel tanks w/stands, seeder
Guns and Gun Safe: Parker Bros. Double Barrel 12 ga, Winchester model 1890 22 short, Winchester 22 -model 1904 , Winchester 22 model 67A, Winchester 22 Model 67, Savage Arms 22, 3 Muzzle Load guns (unmarked). Winchester Gun Safe (26 guns), Cannon Gun Safe.
Antiques: Thomas Edison Phonograph ser# 470777 Oct 27 1896, Wax Cylinder Records, Spinning Wheel, Vintage Stick Gum dispenser, Hall Tree w/ Beleved mirror , clay marbles,
Tools: 225 Lincoln Welder, Wood Lathe and turning tools, Troy Bilt 7000 watts Generator, Scaffolding,10" radial saw, Chop Saw, small band saw, Craftsman 125psi Air Compressor, Huskee 46" cut, 23hp riding mower, ATV sprayer, extension ladder, hand saws, hand tools, wrenches, Craftsman tool box, electric planer, power tools, Lawn Sweeper, TroyBilt tiller, small vice, 2 old Scythe, crosscut saws,
Personal Property: Oak dining table w/6 chairs and 4 leaves, Oak Bedroom suite, Curio Cabinets, Oak Rocking Chairs, Quilt Racks, Oak Wash Stand, Old Trunks, over 30 Glass Compotes, Oil Lamps, O.N.T. Clark's spool cotton desktop, 2 Thimble Cabinets and Thimbles, Glassware, China Cabinet, Dressers, Wardrobes, Quilting Cabinet, upright Freezer, 2 Washing Machines, Electric dryer, big black kettle, Wrought Iron Outside porch furniture, concrete planters, assortment of Case XX pocketknives and misc. knives, straight edge razors, Blue Ball Jars, small collectible cars, Christmas Decorations, Jon Boat, animal traps,
Many More Items will be available at sale date Too numerous to list.
Truck and Farm Equipment sells at 12 Noon
TERMS: Full Payment due day of Auction. We Accept Cash, Good Check, or Credit Card (plus 4% convenience fee),
All Payments made to Chuck Marshall Auction and Real Estate - All Auction Items are selling in an as-is, where-is condition
Kentucky State sales tax of 6% will be added to those items that are not farm exempt or resale exempt. Buyers that do not have a Kentucky Agriculture Exemption (AE) number or a resale exemption will be charged sales tax. Buyers that are out of the state of Kentucky are required to have a Kentucky out of state farm exemption (OAE) as well. This agriculture exemption document may be obtained from the Kentucky Department of Revenue, phone number 502-564-5170.
Contact Auctioneers Taylor Saunders @ 606-407-3158, Chuck Marshall @ 606-782-0374, Ronnie Lawson @ 859-494-9305 or the Office @ 606-845-5010 with questions
please visit www.auctionzip.com (Auctioneers ID#1198) or https://www.chuckmarshall.com
Although all information in all advertisements is obtained from sources deemed reliable, the auctioneer/broker and owners make no warranty or guarantee actual or implied as to the accuracy of the information. It is for this reason that the prospective buyers should avail themselves the opportunity to make inspection of property (personal) prior to bidding. Our company is not responsible for accidents. Property to sell in "as is condition".
4565 Maysville Rd, Flemingsburg, KY 41041 www.chuckmarshall.com Like us on FACEBOOK
Chuck Marshall, Broker/Auctioneer 606-782-0374 or 606-845-5010
Ronnie Lawson, Auctioneer (859)494-9305 ∙ Dusty Doyle, Apprentice Auctioneer (606)748-8902
Taylor Saunders, Apprentice Auctioneer (606)407-3158 ∙ Travis Robinson, Apprentice Auctioneer (606)407-2119
All Property selling in an AS/IS Where/Is condition.
Agency Disclosure: Buyers understand that auctioneers are agents of the seller.
•Property Descriptions: Chuck Marshall Auction and Real Estate, Inc. has made no effort to test the items cataloged. We have gathered the information provided from the seller. Please use due diligence to inspect items and property. There is no warranties, expressed or implied. There will be no returns, exchanges, or discounts on items. Property is sold in "as is" condition and it is the bidders responsibility to be satisfied with conditions before placing a bid.
• Payment: Cash, good check and credit card(Master Card, Visa, Discover) Credit cards will be charged an addition 4% convenience fee. All sales are final and there will be no credit charge backs permitted. Checks returned to our facility will be subject to a $50.00 service fee.